The Need for Multi-cloud Support in Blockchain Platforms

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Enterprise blockchains have their data in ledger databases and smart contracts power the transaction executions in multi-party business environments. The distributed ledger’s records are immutable and cryptographically validated, adding a high level of security. The distributed nature of Blockchain allows multiple parties to agree on transactions without the involvement of a trusted central authority. Blockchain provides a means to store information on a peer-to-peer network and is built around management tools and platforms that make this storage possible. This is where cloud platforms play a major role. The nodes in the blockchain network run in the cloud platforms to securely store data and carry out transactions.

The major cloud service providers like AWS, IBM, etc., have their own blockchain platforms, which allow enterprises and consortiums to build their blockchain networks. But these platforms have a few limitations in scaling and adding new nodes.

The limitations of current blockchain platforms

Businesses using multiple vendors and cloud infrastructures need a single governance platform to join forces and create a blockchain network. Though some cloud provider blockchain services provide infrastructure management, they may require all parties to be in the same cloud or infrastructure. While blockchain as a service (BaaS) cloud offerings can save a lot of infrastructure management effort, it is sometimes assumed that all parties are in the same cloud. This might end up limiting the network availability, scalability, or segregation. Most of all with blockchain being a truly distributed environment, the associated deployment infrastructure implementation should also be truly distributed across various cloud platforms. This is where multi-cloud blockchain services play a significant role.

Multi-cloud Blockchain Services

Imagine two partner companies have come to an agreement to form a blockchain network for their business transactions. ‘Party A’ uses GCP and ‘Party B’ uses AWS cloud platforms. In this scenario, a standard blockchain platform that supports different infrastructures is required to deploy a managed blockchain application. Regardless of the hosting infrastructure, this platform must have an open standard, central visibility, operations and compliance across a wide range of resources and locations to function effectively.

Such multi-cloud blockchain-as-a-service platform provides two major benefits

  • Add nodes from different cloud platforms in a single network where each node is completely owned and managed by their respective organizations.
  • Easy to manage, monitor, and scale the Blockchain network.


Blockedge is a highly scalable, zero-code, end-to-end blockchain infrastructure management platform with multi-cloud support. The company supports all the major cloud platforms such as AWS, GCP, and more to be added soon.

The unique features that make Blockedge stand out from other enterprise blockchain services

Multi-cloud deployment

As mentioned above, Blockedge currently supports any of the major cloud platforms. Moreover, it allows you to create permissioned networks on any cloud platform according to your specific blockchain solution requirements. Multi-party blockchain applications can be deployed without worrying about the cloud platforms used by other parties.

Multi-cloud nodes support

Blockedge can support nodes from different cloud platforms in a single network. You can easily invite members from partner organizations to join the blockchain network irrespective of the cloud platform they use. All the transactions can be viewed by permissioned members within the blockchain network, but the nodes will be visible only to the organizations they belong to. This makes the network transparent and secure.

Wrapping Up

Blockchain experts advocate that blockchain technology has the potential to transform the existing business processes and spark new imaginative use cases and applications. For a blockchain network to function effectively, it is essential that all the parties involved in the business transactions are on board. Fortunately, Blockedge makes it possible for various organizations working on different cloud platforms to join a single blockchain network, deploy applications, and conduct transactions. With multi-cloud support, it is now faster and easier than ever to build and scale blockchain networks on Blockedge.

Read more about the features of Blockedge